Monday, March 5, 2012

Simon of Cyrene Carries The Cross

Luke 23:26

Looking Toward Jesus:

Jesus has been beaten up, cursed, and is so weary he can no longer physically carry his own cross. The guards grab a man out of the crowd and have him help Jesus. We know very little about this man, but can you imagine all that he was going through his mind, can you imagine the fear, can you imagine the surprise, can you imagine the anxiety, and can you imagine what it was like to be just pulled quickly into this torturous journey to the cross? And now look at Jesus, apparently reaching the end of his physical limitations, but he is no longer alone. His weary eyes look over and see Simon helping him to bear the weight.

Looking Inward:

What would your first response be if you were called out of the crowd to help Jesus carry his cross? Are there things if God needed you to do them you would slip back into the shadows of the crowd to avoid being called out? And on the other hand, what would be worth all the pain and suffering in the world to help with? What are the crossed you would pick up with pure joy?

Looking Outwards

We probably won’t have the chance to physically carry a cross like Simon did, but are there people around you who have things in their life that they are so weary of they can hardly carry them any more? How could you come along side them to comfort and help?

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